Proclamation 9 ~ High Sheriff

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Master Master Wilhelm Michalik Named As High Sheriff

April 8th, 2017 ~ AS51

Being as how the Barony of Illiton requires its citizens to pay taxes but currently lacks an official empowered to collect them and . . .

Being as how the Barony of Illiton has laws but no officer at present charged to enforce them and . . .

Being as how We, John and Maire, Baron and Baroness of Illiton, think that this is a deplorable state of affairs and . . .

Being as how We know that in Our barony dwells a man of honesty and righteousness–whose adherence to order, rule and proper procedure borders upon the persnickety;

Therefore, We are resolved this day to name Master Wilhelm Michalik HIGH SHERIFF OF ILLITON, with all the duties and responsibilities implied by that title.

We caution Master Wilhelm that, according to kingdom law, We are not allowed to execute anyone. In consequence, it shall fall upon the new High Sheriff to exercise creativity in the devising of punishments for scofflaws and transgressors in Our lands—keeping in mind that, though granted great latitude in this regard, he does NOT have carte blanche.

So say We, John and Maire, Baron and Baroness of Illiton, on this eighth day of April, AS LI (51) at our annual Rites of Spring Celebration.

