With Congratulations to the new Illiton Heirs:
Forester Robert Thorne
& Lady Nessa von Metten
Investiture will happen at
Baroness Wars, August 28th 2021.
We all thank
Baron John & Baroness Maire
for a grand, quirky and fun 5 years!

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Candidate Pages * Polling Instructions and Links * Process Information * Transition Schedule
* Polling Instructions & Links Are Also Found on the Candidate Pages *
Candidate Pages
Arianna & Alured * Nessa & Robert
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Polling Instructions and Links
The Crown of the Middle Kingdom wishes the widest possible counsel on matters relating to the Kingdom; thus, it is requested that all members respond to this baronial poll for the Barony of Illiton.
All baronial residents should please complete the poll located at this Link: RESIDENT
A resident is defined as a person who lives within the geographic boundaries of the barony regardless of Society membership status. Please check with your Baronial Seneschal or on the Middle Kingdom website if you are unsure of your group’s geographic area.
Click Here for: Middle Kingdom Groups >> Find a group by Zip code.
Those who live outside of the Baronial borders are welcome to complete a “non-resident” poll at this Link: NON-RESIDENT
While these polls are tallied separately, the Crown still values the opinions of all members of Their populace.
Please note that your polls will be VERIFIED by your membership number, address, and name.
Only cast one poll.
Polls must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, May 8, 2021.
Polling Links
Process Information
As announced during February’s business meeting, we are beginning the Baronial polling process. This opens the time period accepting letters of intent to run for Baron and Baroness. Any paid member is eligible to run.
Letters of intent will be accepted until March 27, 2021.
Submissions must include:
- Letter
- Photo of candidates (preferable together)
- Photo release (see comments)
- Copies of photo ID
- Valid SCA Membership card (Needs to be paid through Aug. 2021)
- Contact information (address, phone number, email address)
Send information to Illiton’s seneschal, Oda Umi at [email protected]. Please email if you need to send letters through the USPS, wish to drop this off in person, or with any questions you may have.
Thank you, Oda-dono
Transition Schedule
Illiton Baronial Transition Timeline
from Kingdom Group Transitions Deputy
(*Note: Any changes in COVID-19 restrictions or measures
could impact the dates listed here)
The polling process is designed to take up to six months (or 26 weeks). This allows time for the preliminary work to be completed, the poll to take place, the results to be tabulated and sent to the Crown, the Crown to reach a decision, and (if necessary) an investiture to be planned.
Below is a general timeline of when events should take place.
Their Excellencies announced intention to step down/Baronial transition process begins
2/28 – 3/27
Baronial Seneschal accepts letters of intent (along with photos, release forms, and contact info for each)
4/4 – 4/17
Formal announcement of candidates
4/18 – 5/8
Polling of Barony
Late summer – Crown decision
*Middle Kingdom policy is to leave 2 months for the Crown’s decision
Investiture in August 2021.