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September 29th 5:00PM to October 1st, 2023 Noon
The Annex Catering and Event Center,
710 E. Main St., La Harpe, IL 61450
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Site Fees * Teacher Sign Up * Food Info * Site & Accessability Info
The Canton of Lochmorrow, in venerated service to the Barony of Illiton, invites all to participate in Michaelmas. The main archery contest is open to all skill levels. Alongside the Michaelmas competition will be Shutzenfest. Shutzenfest is a high-end archery tournament and will be a skillful display of aim and acuity.
In addition to archery there will be martial heavy, rapier/cut & thrust activities. As well as several arts & sciences classes to attend.
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Site Fees & Camping Information
Cost of event:
* Current SCA Members are accorded a $5 discount to Site Fees with membership card.
$15 per Adult (18 years and older),
$10 per Teen (17-13 years),
$5 Children (12 years and under).
Family Cap is $30, additional for camping.
Camping Fee:
Tent camping (outdoors) is available for $10 per tent for the timeframe of the event.
Indoor Camping is also available at $10 a tent/cot with the understanding that you will need to tear dawn each day, as the space is being used in other capacities during the event.
Site opens at 5pm on September 29, 2023. Site closes at 12pm (noon) October 1, 2023.
(This allows for people to arrive Friday evening to stay on site for Saturday.
Indoor and outdoor camping available both Friday and Saturday evenings for additional site fee.)
All Overnight people camping should be cleared off by NOON Sunday.
Gate opens/closes:
Gate will be open Friday, September 29th, 2023 from 5:00 PM till 8:00 PM,
and reopen on Saturday, September 30th, 2023 at 8 AM to 11 AM.
Volunteers for Site Setup/Strike: We can begin setup at 3pm on Friday, September 29, 2023 and clear out by 6pm Sunday, October 1st, 2023
Interested in Teaching?
All Kinds of classes welcome!
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Coffee
Water and Coffee will be available throughout the event – donations accepted.
Oatmeal Bar Available Saturday & Sunday
We will be offering a free “Day Board” soup lunch,
which will be available with a donation box (but is not obligatory).
They day board will have vegetarian options and will run as supplies last.
Site & Accessibility Information
Site Information:
- We are a discreetly wet site.
- No smoking or vaping indoors throughout the site. An outdoor smoking/vaping area will be designated downwind of outdoor activities and away from any structures.
- Pets are discouraged, the site is not pet-friendly.
Site accessibility information:
- ADA Service dogs okay; the site is not set up for other service animals such as mini-horses.
- Service dogs should wear vests when working. Well behaved emotional support animals are also acceptable.
- Parking lot is a gravel lot with no real designated handicapped spaces.
- The site is a mixed indoor/outdoor site- gravel, grass, standard indoor floors.
- There will be electrical outlets available to charge medical devices and equipment if needed.
- The outside facilities are taking place on grass adjacent to the gravel lot, may not have accessability stalls depending on availability of rentals.
- There is not a designated RV or hookups.
- There is indoor space to avoid the fighting (regardless of weather) for those who are sensitive to sudden sounds.