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Sir Ixtilixochitl, Sir Robert Downy and Sir Seto Gesshuko Named As
Premier Guards of Illiton
January 6, 2018 ~ AS52

Let all here present be advised that We, Maire and John, Baroness and Baron of Illiton, have observed upon numerous occasions the martial prowess of Sir Ixtilixochitl, Sir Robert Downy and Sir Seto Gesshuko and know that their skill in battle doth greatly increase the readiness of Our forces to repel any foe foolish enough to challenge Our authority in these lands.
We are fully aware that Sir Ix, Sir Robert and Sir Seto, being knights of the Middle Kingdom in good standing, have sworn personal fealty to Their Royal Majesties and know that they may be called away from time to time to fight in foreign wars. However, when present with the borders of Illiton, We expect to count upon their strength in Our muster.
Therefore, today We name Sir Ix, Sir Robert and Sir Seto GUARDS OF ILLITON. As such, they have the right to bear the badge: fieldless, on a tower sable a fountain. As knights of the realm resident within Our barony, each may command such troops as the Lord Commander sees fit to entrust to him and, in great need, each may requisition a horse from Our stable—excepting of course Her Excellency’s favorite palfrey, Fluffy.
So say We, Maire and John , Baroness and Baron of Illiton, at this Twelfth Night Celebration in Our lands on the sixth day of January, AS LII (52).