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Leadership Honor
Hippocampus * Beacon of Illiton * Galley of Illiton * Goblet of Illiton
Those who sail beyond and serve important duties
for the Midlands, Middle Kingdom, &/or the SCA
Last Update: 2/3/23
Gyronny of twelve azure and argent, a lymphad Or.
Badge registered November of 2017; Award Name registered January 2019.
The Galley is one of four baronial LEADERSHIP awards. It is granted to Illitonites who sail beyond the borders of the barony and serve as officers or perform other important duties for the Midlands Region, the Middle Kingdom and/or the Society for Creative Anachronism.
The award recognizes that those who venture forth into the vastness of the Known world and successfully return serve also the Barony of Illiton—for such stalwarts command ships laden with word-fame and bring renown to the port they call home. This honor may be given multiple times to the same gentle for different activities.
Premier Award of the Galley – Baronial Champions Day 2019
- PREMIER – Count Seto Gesshuko – Middle Kingdom Royalty and General of the Midrealm Army
(Martial Champions Day 2019) - PREMIER – Countess Ynes de Jaen – Middle Kingdom Royalty
(Martial Champions Day 2019) - Lady Eva Wurster – Midlands Regional Signet
(Baronial Twelfth Night 2020) - Oda Dono – Midlands Regional Chronicle
(Baronial Twelfth Night 2020) - Master Wilhelm Michalik – Midlands Regional Signet
(Rites of Ethereal Spring 2021) - Metressa Alzbeta Michalik—Dragon Herald
(Baronial Twelfth Night 2023)