Baroness’ Favor

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Baroness Nessa’s Favor

Winged Spoon
~ Graphic TBA ~

Amorphous Honor

Baron’s Favor * Baroness’ Favor

Last Update: 2/3/2023

The Baroness’ favor is one of Illiton’s two amorphous awards. The current baroness may choose what form her favor may take.

  • Founding Baroness Maria Teresa’s Favor was a ribbon bearing a pearl and a plume Or.
  • Baroness Kate’s Favor was an argent Catherine’s Wheel upon a vert field.
  • Baroness Alzbeta bestowed gloves upon those she favored.
  • Baroness Maire’s Favor was a handkerchief.
  • Baroness Nessa’s Favor is a Winged Spoon.

Baroness Nessa 2021 – Current


  • Sir Ixtilixochitl (Baronial Twelfth Night 2023).

Baroness Maire’s Favor 2016 – 2021