Website Illiton WIP

Website Under Construction

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Progress Updates * Upcoming Projects * Completed Projects

Illiton Website Individual Page Count: 97

!!!Note catchup needed 2-1-2024!!!

1-25-23: Document Library Initial “Go Live”
Started Page with: – Excuequer forms, Webminister Event checklist and other info, Newsletter & archive
*Place to find items such as: Officer documents and forms, Illiton By-laws, Newsletter Archive, finalized and archived business meeting notes, redacted baronial reports, baronial court reports, link to officer handbooks, etc.

Update note: 6-1-2021
Due to Covid-19 issues ongoing work on website content has been slowed down.
– Work on Kingdom Migration was completed in January on schedule with no down time to Illiton website.
– April – May Added new pages: 2021 Baronial Transition and candidate pages, polling information, form link
– Spring 2021, working with John on Award graphic cleanup project
– FIXED: Covid announcement page fixed and updated. Now showing all updates correctly. Illiton calendar updated.
– Preparing for officer and baronial changes July and Aug. 2021

July Completed:
– Baronial Champions Day Event Page – July 31, 2021
– Illiton Activities Pre-Registration Form and Announcement
– New Baronial Calendar! In recent months, the Google embed calendar broke with either a Google or WP update. Added and confirgured free “Simple Calendar” WP plug-in to create a calendar webpage that pulls data from the Baronial Google Calendar. Leaving full page Google link in place on Home, Activities, and other pages for now. Will update in September if new page works as expected.

The new website is under construction. Some pages may have incomplete or missing content or unlined images at any time, and pages may appear/disappear from the menus.
Follow website progress and updates below!

If you have any questions, corrections, suggestions, or updates for the website- please contact Lorelei: [email protected]

Thank you and safe travels hither and yon!
~ YIS, Mistress Lorelei Skye of Sans Nomen,
Barony of Illiton Webminister & Social Media

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Ongoing Progress Updates

List of pages in progress, Could appear blank, Images may be missing, or may appear/disappear from the page menu:

Ongoing Repair image and other glitches found across site including: images missing, seeing ‘alt-text’ and not the image, spelling errors… etc.

7-2020 –> Current Awards Gallery and Award Sub-Pages
– Award Gallery page is complete as are ALL individual award sub-pages.
– John is working on compiling award recipient lists for older awards. Will add to website on Awards pages as completed.
– 2-2021 Started work to update awards graphics images for consistent presentation both in color and BW

10-2020 –> Current Scribal Armorial, Scribal Heraldic Gallery
* Black and White image gallery for scribal usage.
* Gallery is similar to the Award Gallery, except will attach to sub-pages with just the BW art and heraldic description of the award for the awards/honors and badges of Illiton and Lochmorrow
* Scribal Armorial Gallery home page is linked to the Awards Gallery Page Menu.
* Beginning work on creating all BW image sub pages. Illiton arms and Populate badge, and Baronage of Illiton are now complete.

10-2020 Proclamations –> Current
* More Proclamations added from both Ethereal courts with cross-links to award pages as needed.

2-2021 –> Current Baronial Transition
* Creating Baronial Transitions Page(BTP) and Candidate sub-pages
* Transition page went Live 3/3/2021 after edits and review by Seneschal and Kingdom transitions officer(KTO)
* Candidate Sub-Page template ready and approved by Seneschal and KTO.
* Candidate Sub-Pages live per schedule, no troubleshooting needed.
* Baronial polling information and form live per schedule, no troubleshooting needed.
* Baronial poll closed on time, 89% return per Illiton Seneschal 6/4/20201.

6-5-21 –> Starting Add 2021 Baronial Champions Event page
* Received basic information on event from Umi 6/4.

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Upcoming Projects/Pages

Will start work on these after above projects wrap

– The Illiton History Project
*Space to share Illiton regalia, line of Baron/esses, current baronial champions…
– Illiton map: map of barony with important sites (river, roads, center of Lochmorrow, castles…)
Create a gallery of members of Illiton’s heraldic arms
– Line/lineage of baronage

Guild and Populace Information and Galleries
*Showcase projects and works from the guilds and members of Illiton- examples could include: Scrolls, David’s artwork, Nessa’s Cooking Subtleties, links to members event photo galleries, etc.

Tournament of the Courtier update through current, and include the court reports

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Completed Projects

Note: Dates listed here are when the project stage/page(s) was completed,
projects with multiple pages will show a date range of completion dates
List does not include work in 2019 from or on this new site

  • x-2019 –> 2-15-2020
    • WordPress site settings, theme, templates, page images
    • All (14) Main Pages manually ported, and debugged from iWeb on to new WordPress site
  • Remaining ‘sub-pages’ from ported, or created, and ‘live’ on
    • 2-12 –> 3-17-2020 Proclamation landing page, and 19 Proclamation sub-pages through 8-2019
    • 2-16 –> 3-4-2020 Award Gallery landing page, and 12 award sub-pages for awards through 8-2019
    • 2-23-2019 Award Recommendations, Baron’s Heraldic Quest
    • 3-17-2020 Tournament of the Courtier landing page, awards list
    • 3-17-2020 (non-published) Illiton’s Annual gift wrapping community service,
    • 3-17-2020 Past event, 2020 Baronial 12th Night
  • New Event Pages:
    • 1-30-2020 Event landing page
    • 1-2020 –> 3-16-2020 2020 Rites of Spring Event landing page, 7 sub-pages
    • 2-17-2020 Illiton Board Game Night at Peoria Heights
    • 3-7-2020 Regional War Practice
    • 3-12 –> 16-2020 Rites of Spring Cancellation Announcement page due to COVID-19
    • 4-2020 –> Midlands War Practice Cancellation Announcement due to COVID-19
    • 7-28-2020 –> Renaming Events in the Year Cancellation Announcements due to COVID-19
  • Other New Pages:
    • 3-7-2020 Bulling and Harassment policy page created, linked to site footer
    • 4-21-2020 COVID-19 Announcements Page. Along with posting the most recent announcement on the home page, all announcements are being added to this page as they come in. A place to find this information all together, along with it being posted on the Group Email list, FaceBook Group, and Calendar.
    • 5-2020 –> Ongoing, Proclamations.
      As of 10/2020 Proclamation pages are nearly in sync with crating the pages as the new proclamations happen.
      – 10-2020: July Ethereal Court proclamations complete.
    • 5-2020 –> Ongoing, Award Gallery and Sub-Pages
      – 10-1010: ALL 25 Awards in the Gallery and linked Sub-Pages are Complete.
    • 10-2020 –> Ongoing, Scribal Armorial
      – Scribal Armorial Home Page is now complete and linked to the Award Gallery Page for now as work begins on sub-pages.
      – “Illiton Arms and Populate Badge” Sub-Page Complete
      – “Baronage of Illiton” SP Complete

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